鄭灵 のすべての投稿


6/13 Drawing the conclusion of this paper. Wrinting the abstract. 6/14 Modify the conclusion and recheck the paper in order to remove all the likely mistakes. 6/15 Prepare the power point of the new paper which will presented on thursday meeting. Finishing my japanese homework. 6/16 Practice presentation.   6/17 Modify the paper again. Learnning japanese and have the japanese class.  


5/23 Learning japanese language and finishing the homework . Learning English words. 5/24 Readig the saliency papers and  make a frame of the international    conference. Learning English words. 5/25 Readig the saliency papers and  make a frame of the international    conference. 5/26 Prepare for the conference paper 5/27 Prepare for the conference paper