- 距離学習済みモデルの出力結果を判定する閾値として平均値を用いて、対象2人のテスト画像100枚で精度を測定した。
- adaboostと距離学習を組み合わせた識別システムを作成し、検証を行った。

- 距離学習のデータの見直しと再学習を行い、精度の向上を行う。
- adaboostモデルの再作成。
- 修論執筆
Today is the last day of 2020, just like I used to do when I was working, I’d like to make a little summary of my research and life in this year.
First of all, … Continue Reading ››
modified and re-submit the paper of ICIAE. finished the payment of AROB.
about object extract from full image, it is almost completed. the result is show as bellow figure. however, if there are some better suggestions from any other one, I will modify it.