- http://users.isy.liu.se/rt/fredrik/spcourse/hos.pdf
- https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/62046595/2019_Book_EEGSignalProcessingAndFeatureE20200209-88259-6zld91-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1658379386&Signature=UHyL9c9UpBAhkrt8PIoJnC7tYxHhXOg8vN20vbXVY8cJ1fy5OgzC0Uu2GzQG6ttf6IankFSOVld2PpRAACCAnp5JNQC4L9pVSEz6BOLfa5BJctpad-sIzs~wsQlQzj0Gh4OB3V6HyMqDnHo9xoP-wawADW08YMvXx~vAXpyZvc4TwJDYo2Lci23hC8IL-bm7k1ja10Otqe7FXx0deKJP7dN80W4rmQZ-nrIlfVvxki2k4gsXc2qQQGdlbWouqxiVQLnQFremVnR1Lk1JanhkJRwrera-nUw5~17ltI82whxbx2ia7GN20AaR6I8HHEaapNZaPcAJTN3-k3r8BvpjZg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
- Using the depth and pose that estimated based on deep learning to finish the back-end and loop closure parts of SLAM system.
- Continuing to write the thesis, and I think that I should write the thesis with a faster pace.
1.Update Yolostereo3D model based on attention mechanism
2.read paper
Adaptive unimodal cost volume filtering for deep stereo matching,https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/6991/6845
3.Disassembly code of yolostereo3d
- 研究計画書を書いた。
- 電気電子工学の報告書を書き終えた。
- Rebooting the system for raspberry pi。
- ICISP論文を修正しました。
- About my research, I try to read the papers and run open source works. (like transfusion, SFD, PV-RCNN) But still not getting my own ideas.
- I finished the research plan in this year, and uploaded to the gitlab.
- I still did not finish my icisip paper.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!