1.read the paper about 6D pose emstimation(A Review of 6D Object Pose Estimation).
try to use the 6D POSE emtimation to find the corns in the 3D coordinate system.
trying to find a method based on key-point datection to make 6D Pose Estimation
1.read the paper about 6D pose emstimation(A Review of 6D Object Pose Estimation).
try to use the 6D POSE emtimation to find the corns in the 3D coordinate system.
trying to find a method based on key-point datection to make 6D Pose Estimation
I have decided the journal that I want to submit my paper to. The journal's name is 'Expert systems with applications'.
I am now making the template of this journal.
I revised the thesis_defense.ppt, and reduced the slides.
-Running the code for MVSNet
-Learned the code of train.py and dataset