1.Based on the backbone of YOLOV7-POSE, propose the YOLOV7-3DPOSE to directly output the 3D keypoint.And i will use the framework to detect the keypoint of the corn.
2.The system of the yolov7-pose is complex, i am learning it.
1.Based on the backbone of YOLOV7-POSE, propose the YOLOV7-3DPOSE to directly output the 3D keypoint.And i will use the framework to detect the keypoint of the corn.
2.The system of the yolov7-pose is complex, i am learning it.
Trying to build my dataset.
Reading paper. https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2020/html/Gu_Cascade_Cost_Volume_for_High-Resolution_Multi-View_Stereo_and_Stereo_Matching_CVPR_2020_paper.html